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Female Therapy


About 2 years ago a group of three girls got together and discussed how women are poorly portrayed in certain mediums. Along with their ability to work on the same comedic level a concept was born. 


Holly Wyder, Charlotte Cattell and Sharon Belle began work on a project that has led to wonderful success. Female Therapy is a show written by Holly Wyder about three very different female characters who use their strengths to help 'the dumpie' get out of their slump and back in the game.


Discussing topics like 'First Crush Delusions', a concept where the first person you had a crush on, no matter how ridiculous (Mr. Clean), had a massive effect on you, to weird sex role play with E.T.


For more information and to watch the first episode check out the website!

Comedic Songs

Being involved with music from a young age Holly has always enjoyed listening to all styles of melodious mixtures. But also loving comedy she figured why not mix the two?


She enjoys writing songs about the obscure and the personal. Being able to use two mediums in one performance is an absolute joy.


Her songs include such topics as being female, unemployment, love songs to herself and pussy cats!

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